Please visit our AVAILABLE CATS PAGE to see the cats currently available.
Come adopt this pretty lady looking for her forever home. This handsome gentleman is looking for his forever couch to retire to. I am looking for a calmer environment and lap to snuggle up in. My name is Hank and I am looking for my first and last forever home, I would enjoy any home... I am a cute and quiet dude who would enjoy a happy loving home. I am a very loving purrrr machine. This feral cat is sure to deal with any of your mouse problems. Although he is nothing of a house-cat... Part of the Bravo Litter Part of the BRAVO litter Fern is an incredibly playful orange tabby. His fun personality is sure to give any family an entertaining companion. This wandering soul is simply looking for a warm couch to snuggle on. A lover of all things soft, he... This playful kitten is full of life and ready to live it! Come meet her and her growing personality today! Hi! My name is Zulu and my absolute favorite thing to do it cuddle up with my favorite people. I... This little panther would make an amazing feline friend! This old man is looking for his very own retirement home. He's a lover who hasn't met a cat or... This street cat can be a little bit selective with the people that she likes, but is a sweetheart with... This gorgeous cat would make the perfect addition to any home! She's a sweetheart with a heart of gold who... This cuddly rambunctious kitten would be the perfect addition to any home! This playful little kitten is finally ready to find her forever home! This cuddly kitten is ready to find a warm home to curl up in! This spunky kitten is a joy to spend time with. His cuddly personality is sure to make anyone who meets... This kitten lives up to his name! He's got a feisty personality, but a whole lot of love to give. Shadow is a kind quiet soul who is looking for a new home to curl up in. This gorgeous feline would make an amazing mouser and friend! This is one of the friendliest cats you'll ever meet! This cat is looking for a barn to curl up in. This fun-loving guy is sure to bring amazing orange cat energy into any household! This barn cat is ready to protect you from all of your mousy problems! This little feline friend is ready to find a new couch to snuggle up on. I have decided that I love loves! I can be weird at first when you go to pick me up... Charlie is a pretty chill dude! He will make a very quite house cat! He is unsure of shelter life... Murphy is just plain sweet! He is chill and would make a very nice calm house cat! Barn cat delux! Woodstock (she) would love to have a barn or shop to clear out the rodents! This excitable little feline is ready to go on a new adventure! This gorgeous gal is ready to get out of street life and into her new home. This goofy goober is ready to make someone's life a bit more interesting. This cute little gal is ready to love another home. This spunky fella is looking for his forever home. This feline is ready to find a couch to take over. This sweet gal is as pretty as her name suggests! This spunky feline is ready for a new adventure. This sweetheart is the perfect snuggle buddy. This sweetheart is ready for her own couch to snuggle on. Rory is a shy, sweet, loving soul. This big man is the life of the party. Despite his size, his loving demeanor means all he wants to... Gouda is a sweet little happy girl waiting for her family to come get her! Meet PJ, He is sweet and loving and can't wait to get into his new home! Tweedle Dee - Is a sweet little guy looking for his new family to call his own! Tweedle Dee - Is a sweet little guy looking for his new family to call his own! Earwicket- Is a sweet little guy looking for his new family to call his own! Hamish - Is a sweet little guy looking for his new family to call his own! Alice - Is a sweet littlelittle girl looking for her new family to call her own! Poncho is currently in Foster Home with his New Momma Cat and nursing away! He will be ready for adoption... "Tippy" likes to LOVE bite and her previous owner has sensitive skin. She has been a sweet girl a little... Bam Bam was trapped with a colony of about 60 cats! He would make a great barn cat since he... Jack is vaccinated and Neutered and ready for his new home! He loves his buddy Zero so if he can... Sally is scheduled to get spayed - but will be ready for her new home shortly! Tux is a shy neutered male cat, that with time may become your friend. We suggest him as a barn... Garfield is a shy neutered male cat, that with time may become your friend. We suggest him as a barn... Mad Hatter is a sweet tortie female, that will cuddle her way into your heart & your home 🙂 Harley is a shy neutered male cat, that with time may become your friend. We suggest him as a barn... Astrid is a shy female cat she is scheduled to be spayed and will be available soon! Ace is looking for work as a mouser in a barn or shop! He prefers to stay to himself but... I was rescued from a large colony of feral cats but I am vaccinated, wormed, and ready to bring joy... I was rescued from a large colony of feral cats but I am vaccinated, wormed, and ready to bring joy... I am from the Dutchman Colony! I prefer to keep to myself right now but could decide to become a... I am from the Dutchman Colony. I am a bit shy at first but would love to find a home... I am from the Dutchman Colony. I am just learning that the world isn't so scary and would love to... I am from the Dutchman colony. I am a sweet and friendly guy looking for a lap to curl up... I am from the Dutchman Colony. I would be a great addition to your barn or shop! I am from the Dutchman Colony. I would be a great addition to your barn or shop! I am a friendly guy looking for my furever home! I am from the Dutchman Colony. I am a sweet boy looking for a nice, quiet home. I am from the Dutchman Colony! I am a sweet little guy ready for my new home! I am from the Dutchman Colony! I am a mouser looking for work! Hi! My name is Smudge, I was found at Ace Hardware. I am a sweet girl looking for my forever... Hey! I'm Jazz, I am from the Dutchman Colony. Im still very fearful and unsure of this new life, I... Hi! My name is Aloe, I am 2 years old! Due to no fault of my own I am looking... Hey! I arrived with my brother Aloe, I am a great house cat who gets along with everyone and I... Hi, I'm Bacon! I would make the best snuggle partner and I love to play! I will be available soon! Peanut is a sweet girl with a playful side to her! She would make a great addition to any home.... Hey, I'm Popcorn! Looking for a snuggle buddy? I would love to curl up on the couch with you! I... Hi! Im Pickles! I love to snuggle and play with my siblings, I am litterbox trained! Will you be my... Red has a Hold on her and is happily waiting for her new home! Greenie has a Hold on him and is waiting to go to his new home with Red! Duck is a working cat looking for her new job! Boots is a lazy, declawed orange and white long-haired cat who loves lounging in sunny spots all day. Chucky is a sweet boy, surrendered due to no fault of his own. He is 3 years old and searching... Im looking for the perfect place to retire! Working Cat Ready to take care of all your mousing needs! Sailor moved from Feral room to the Kitten room, cause he really does like to cuddle, especially with his friends! Working Cat Ready to take care of all your mousing needs! Kona would love to help with your mouse problems and have a warm place to cuddle and sleep! Working Cat Im ready to take care of all your mousing needs! Missing half of Right ear This pretty girl sure doesn't want to be a cuddly kitten so lets give her a barn to mouse in! Frosty has moved out of the Feral room and into the Barn cat room to get more used to people.... Crimson has been loving being in the big cat room! He will make a great indoor/outdoor cat and will need... Sketch came with Crimson and love love and treats! He is a georgous and playful boy! Grinch needs a barn to hunt in. The staff has been working on getting her more handleable. Her heart is... Bean is very sweet and enjoying his time playing with the other cats in the Kitten room! Come meet bean... Stuffin is a sweet girl! She would make a great house mouser or indoor/outdoor cat! Rimfire isn't as friendly as his friend Bean but he sure would love a barn to live in and mouse... Bear is raring to get out of here and take care of your pesky mouse needs in trade for some... Max came from the same place as Grinch. He is slowly warming up to people and becoming more affectionate. Likes... Princess is a very sweet girl who loves to be picked up and is very cuddly, but would most likely... Avril along with her siblings are warmed up to people. She would be an awesome best friend! Fleetwood has really come around! She loves playing in kitten room with her siblings, and loves meeting people at The... Joan is ready to join your home and family, she has really come around and loves love! I will be ready to go to my new home once I am spayed and Vaccinated! I am a very... Nikki along with his siblings are warmed up to us, he would be an amazing family companion to have around! Him and his siblings are slowly but surely coming around and will be a great loving addition to your family! Bellatrix is a very sweet girl who was picked up as a stray and not claimed, after she is vaccinated... I am a super friendly indoor cat looking for someone to take me into their home.