I'm ready for my new family!


I'm Available

Fuzz is a gorgeous girl who enjoys taking naps and being a quiet house guest. She has a kinked bob tail, to add to her amazing good looks. She is very sweet and would thrive in a quiet environment where she could relax all day with her forever family. 

  • Domestic Long Hair
  • Female
  • 5 Years OldMy DoB is 03/31/2019 (Estimated)
  • 9 Pounds
  • Tabby (Brown / Chocolate)
  • Keeps To Self | Can Be Timid
  • I Like Kids Over 10
  • Big Dogs Scare Me
  • I Like All Cats
  • I'm Litterbox Trained
  • House Cat
  • $ 75.00
Apply To Adopt Fuzz
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